The END, or the Return to our inherent Innocence (inner sensing ability)?
The End of [our] Days [of Judgment] are upon us … rejoice!
reBalancing our energy to honor Relationship
Is it logically and physically possible, for Life to BE on or off course, in the pursuit of a Goal for manifesting all that we experience through our 5 senses?
That begs the primary question: Does Life have a Goal? Does it Need a reason for existing? What would be Life’s reason for existing? Why has all of this come “into existence”?
For ‘us’ to assess whether Life is “progressing” towards some sort of Goal, or if ‘we’ have strayed [by Life’s design] and Life is trying to reinstate some sort of “balance”, we must go deep into this question. We can only “go there” [by Feeling and Knowing, rather than Thinking and Debating] as an introspecting individual slice of Life. Through DA\\VD’s life pattern of actions, direct experiences shaped a Knowing, based on living a Life fully connected since at least age 6 [Talk with David for a funny story of ‘divinity’], with intermittent periods of painful disconnection as ‘he’ was caught up in the Play of Life, taking it all too Seriously.
What follows is a first-hand account of experiences [so familiar to all] and a loving suggestion for US to rebalance towards a more naturally flowing and blissful realization of Life’s goal…
Prognosis through Presence
Life, by design, indeed has Diverged in its evolution, into a highly unbalanced state, especially in Western societies. Thanks to “Global Economics” and worldly desire for a taste of “the so-called good life” [the north American Dream] born through Western Capitalism, eroding Eastern cultures now chase and mimic the faulty Value systems of the West, and are losing their greatest gift held for 1,000s of years … a true Knowing and Remembering of who the “individual” really is. My dear friends from India, China and Japan privately affirm this to me. It saddens ‘me’ greatly.
We’ve allowed our ‘selves’ to drift too far into the Feel of Separation.
[too] Extreme Kenosis – SELF emptying – an intentional forgetting of who started all of this (You the Creator), has occurred. To see what could be realized through “othering” ONE’s SELF into a mere self, ‘a’ poor little ‘me’ was born into through this [supposedly, Scientism-taught] unfriendly Earthly environment which either Dominates and threatens ‘my’ own existence, or I Dominate LIFE to ensure my own survival.
[showmodule id=”5476″]This sense of “i must fight to survive … i must live on, at all costs; this instance of Life known as me the human being IS the Meaning of Life and i am the End Point – the point of IT all [according to the scriptures anyway]” becomes a sensation of strain felt between the eyes, in the forehead. This is the birth of our “individual” Identity, and is the fundamental building block of Life’s design.
Analysis Paralysis
To Define some ‘thing’, Tear it apart and Build it Back up, as ‘you’ see fit
Science and Technology keeps splitting the Material of Life, presumably to affirm or refute the existence of ‘a’ Creator and ‘our Soul’ apparently in favor of a [sarcasm] God Particle that affirms evolution. But the secret sits on the other side of the microscopic lens … the Observer is looking every place other than SELF, to find that answer.
LOL. The risk that You the Creator took, is by letting go of control [not domination, but in allowing a fracture in your Existence of independent Thought and Action] through Othering [some call it Free Will] is that each fractured instance of Life will do what it Wills. YOU wanted to be surprised. Looking at the Present state of humanity, what do you think? SURPRISE!! Laughing Out Loud.
Severe contradictions and hypocrisy around how Identity is “handed down” to children are perpetually expanding, denying former “rights of passage” granted to children entering [so called] adulthood by guardians who remained Awake to Life’s design and who IS truly “running the Show”. We used to be “allowed in on Life’s secret”, really that is, the Game that we as individual Identities have been playing, and that now its your turn to challenge and possibly rewrite and evolve the so-called rules of Life’s Play. The “script moderators” have fallen asleep on-the-job, becoming too absorbed and too deeply involved in Life’s Play, and the next generation is unable to help us rebalance as a result. Those moderators used to intentionally exit the Play of Life, usually around middle age, to avoid this imbalance. Now they are caught up in the Power roles and we the unenlightened are unable to detect who a true Knower of Life’s design is, rather than yet another prejudiced Believer relying on an outwardly visible “clean public record” [by example, Politicians are failing Every Day thanks to our obsession with Data, enabled by heightened connectivity] as justification for entry to Heaven after death. We mindlessly follow the ridiculous rules of Domination (over ‘us’) and to some extent admire our own abusers.
Purchasing & Reserving a Promise of Future Happiness
Don’t worry, we have Jim Cramer of “Mad Money” to entertain and ex-plane the self-created, so-called Complexities of the modern [since 1792] Financial Market paradigm and gross paradox. What to do with all the accumulating [symbols of] “Wealth”? – those reserves for a Future that never arrives for the person trapped in the Promise of tomorrow.
The homes and yachts fail to fill the void, so truly a void, that words [conceptualization] for the first time Fail to convey whether our Pain is a state of [mental] Emotional Suffering, Physical “Feelings” unaffirmed, or something missing, very deep “within”.
Information and Miseducation to expand the storyline
This alternate reality is installed and replayed to the next generation, through their Education.
This fragile Identity is carefully nurtured through a system of Education to install a sense of Future and Past, favored over Present moment living – with the exception of a Teacher’s ruler on the knuckles and a demand to Pay [conscious] attention to the faulty messaging.
Enter the concept of [un] consciousness as the new “Write of Passage” for the modern era young adult, taught to favor Intellect over Heart and spotlight focus on Things and Events and their fully Automatic Universe of Cause and Effect, instead of all-inclusive Compassionate scanning of the Interdependent Connections that bind Every Thing and Event together. The pathway of unnecessary confusion and the [non merciful] co-mmercial invite to be Psycho analyzed has been established.
The Rate of falsely perceived Separation is increasing. Cancer not resisted by the healthy cells surrounding it, sacrifice the entire BODY. Are we aiding an expansion of a cancerous society through inaction? Protecting just self through avoidance, we ensure our own SELF demise as a Collective [the Next level BODY which we all comprise].
Detachment & Escape from Material Illusions - Happiness?
Enter now the concept of Spirituality and all the transient establishments so willing to “string along” the Human already so down and desperate with Pain. GoDaddy now sells the top-level domain .Guru as a way to find your spiritual Teacher easily, and for that “guru” to find and sell to you.
Those who Remember Life’s Design and who started it (you, me, US), will not play the Search Engine Optimization game, and thus, figuratively and quite literally, the enlightened and Compassionate, are difficult to find, much like the Gurus of past who literally hid in Caves of the Himalayas … they now exist on page 25 or page 90 of GoooooooooooooGLE search results.
I bought, to ensure that the Game was Played lovingly, in this part of Awareness to fulfill Life’s Goal and honor That-design.
The mere act of labeling some aspect of Life as a Problem and Seeking a solution to that Problem, creates that problem and makes it Marketable.
The "High" road to Happiness - self-medication
The Identity now seeks to forget [yet again, 1st SELF emptying, now self emptying] and be numbed out of the Painful trap initiated by “adults” who shaped the child within, especially as this self realizes it has perpetuated the same non sense on to their own children and impressionable youth. Enter the Pharmaceutical industry, leveraging Fear-based manipulation marketing, eager to pacify and mask the pain, until the side effects warrant a true remedy for the failure of formerly healthy organs, now destroyed by attempts to digest the Synthetic placebo intended to resolve the physical disease, but not the mental dis-ease which led to the creation of both the physical problem and now the mental pursuit of a solution.
Now the poor person is truly primed for Psycho analysis, to regress the adult [packaging of faulty perception and memories surrounding the scared child within], back to childhood, seemingly for the sake of blaming the Parents, ignorant Teachers, Horrible Bosses, Retail Service Center whoas, greedy Stock Brokers, lazy employees who just “didn’t understand my Managing style”, big Pharma negligence and class-action lawsuits, the evil Lawyer who took too large a percent of your measly medical settlement, and the incompetent Head Shrink who only surfaced years of Pain, but never intended [nor had a clue how] to offer a solution for the “the Recursive [false] Problem in Life”. Generation after generation, the Pain increases as the Awareness decreases, of who we:WE really are [what have you intentionally forgotten, to Know that you Exist? Don’t BS me dear Creator ; ) ].
Large-scale interconnected Anxiety, artificially created through an insatiable pursuit of a Future that robs a human-from-being in the Present moment – the only “place” where WE can celebrate OUR peaceful realization of peace labeled as “happiness” – Existing and Knowing it.
Morality Defined - a Pathway to "Suffering"
Pick your cable station for the myopic view that you agree with, because balanced reporting of Shared Reality has vanished, along with the literal desire for Shared Reality in the aggregate. Politicians blame the media, and the media blames the politicians. It all seems so familiar, recalling the elementary school Bully who “got away with beating my friends” because his father was an important “figure in the Administration’s ongoing Funding”. The kids who were [by Loving design] robbed of their innocence, frozen in “time”, denied Presence and Experiential growing awareness of Life’s Interconnected design, never “grew up”, and now run the Nation and reinforce the Polarity which divides and attempts to Conquer our Collective Psyche. Ironic that this is happening in places such as these “United States”? Of course not! Life’s wonderful design ensures that what is built UP, will eventually be torn DOWN, in order to reset the current round in the Play of Life, in order to experiment with a new Pathway towards SELF-realization (Remembering).
Domination & Control as Happiness?
What the majority labels as Just and “correct”, designates the minority as Insane and the target of quarantine and ridicule.
So the Identity now shifts the intellectual spotlight and attempts to Control and Dominate [beat into submission that which won’t take direction] Life. “Life may not be voluntarily kind to me, but it damn well better show me some [enforced] Respect [and Fear this ‘me’]. This becomes the prevailing, gross personal mantra. The faulty cultural opinion of the [insane] Majority rewards this ill behavior by labeling Dominanceas Leadership skill. Failing to remain a seeker of all you admit you do NOT Know, you become an enabler of those so willing to Dominate your entire Life existence [by Life’s Design]
To aid in the pursuit of dominance, the Identity seeks to gain formally acknowledged Title/Status over Life, ascending the corporate ladder, which only further proves empty and pointless as the scared and injured Ego begins to awaken and acknowledge the recursive contradictions in Life.
By example, who Certifies the Certifying “Authority”? Those ‘below’ me only adhere out of compensation and fear of missing the mortgage – they don’t voluntarily follow me nor care what I think. What to do now, now that I’ve acquired the BS, MS and PhD, along with all of the Certificates?
Key Point
The extremes of contrast, between a utopia that cannot even be Felt and the stark contrast of “Hell on Earth” [to borrow the expression], are unnecessary for Life to realize its goal.
[showmodule id=”5288″]ONE cannot experience anything by its SELF. “Othering” is required. Better yet if there is ‘some’ drama and a back drop for context of the scene (i.e. Nature, Cosmos, the props of the Play).
How much drama is necessary though? How far is too far, to make it Feel real?
Patrons love to be drawn into a Play so convincing, that they truly Feel for the Actors and hope things turn out well by the final Act. We love to get lost in the Play [of Life]. Should the Patrons be physically harmed though? We’d prefer repeat customers and no lawsuits? Should they leave the Theater feeling affirmed and resolutely peaceful (of the concluding outcomes/Acts), or should they exit the Theater in an extreme state of unresolved tension, enough to invoke an actual Cancerous response in the Cells of their own Body?
As Above, So Below (me).
As Below, So Above (me).
How far is too far? How extreme of a contrast is required, for the “scenes of Life” to ensure that [each slice of] Life Exists and Knows it?
Is the Village Lost?
As a curious (innocent) child, we wander off from our Village without concern for finding the way back, because we Know there are no borders. An “ignore-antly wise self-aware adult” leaves a breadcrumb trail.
Rapid regression into Nationalism and a “think Universal, Act [to dominate] Global” collective mindset prevail over focus on “taking care of our Village” – a true faith in Flowing with the Life that shares your Physical space and genuinely caring for it, Knowing that in doing so, the entire Life equation is cared for and evolving best it can.
Instead, we have lost focus on the Family structure, our local township (our Village), securing positions of power locally in the mere pursuit of more power Globally. We are not Present – we are totally absent from the perspective of caring for those who share our physical space daily. We know this and WE sense it, but we deny it because deep down we know the source of our collective pain and are quite embarrassed by our contribution to it. We are the stories we tell ourselves [to be]. Inescapable generational fable-loops ensure an expanding forgetting of who we really are #.
Is it possible to Assist Life?
When I witness people full of Anxiety and in physical Pain born from mental anguish, I feel profound Compassion to assist in the reduction [rebalancing] of that Anxiety and Physical Suffering. Life’s greatest secret sits just beneath the Persona called self. As we look out at Life’s Playful interactions and sometimes painful outcomes, we must remember … That’s Us! That’s You! Bravo! Your Acting was so convincing, that YOU forgot who you really are! Life’s amazing design, undetectable, until literally yOUR “mind is blown away”, your prejudiced faulty adult Intellect, and you are left only with the 5 Senses to Feel and detect what’s really going on. Welcome back to This level of [shared] Reality.
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A Pattern of Convergence
The Golden Rule states "treat Others as you'd like to be treated" ... for good reason, because the Others are really YOU.
Born into this Pattern of Living, 'I AM' compelled to assist in the Rebalancing of Life, as a Life pattern born for the purpose of Convergence. I help Life "Flow naturally" and Directly [in the Physical company of 'others'] experience more Love and Compassion, reducing Anxiety and [sense of the need for] Domination over Life.
Do you share this Life Pattern? Please join The Mission?
Treat lovingly all you witness as 'other' in Life, because That's You!
The GoldenRule, ReImagined
Re Introducing hEaven, Realized by Presence in Shared Reality as Haven nowHere 🌎, to the King-Dumb 🌀💤 society on Mother 🌎
Buying (incurring debt really) into beLIEfS, we became "so HEavenly good, that we're no damn good for 🌎 which is the literal foundation of our existing and knowing, that we ever did!".
Our Heroes - whether a Friend, Parent, Teacher, Quarter Back, Coach, CEO, Nation's President - spark a sense of "them apart from me", crucial to Life's desire to Exist and Know it.
However, obsession with 'other' becomes worship, and self forgets it'S ⭕️rigin (aka SELF). How much contrast, in the form of Forgetting and then Remembering, Hurting and then Healing, Separation and then Reunion, is necessary for Life to Realize its Goal?
Let US Remind us, who WE really are, once again? Bliss was clearly shown by those most Awake, as "the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth" - a removal of the inherent Blocking and Remembering of who you really are.
Are you in your role King-Dumb in your worship and perpetuation of Fear and baseless, meaningless Conformity?
How do you Feel about That?
PS: Are you ready to exit the Scene, the Act, the Play and the Theater, to admit who YOU really are, dear ___ [insert preferred reference to THE] Creator?