The Golden Rule,
revisited and re imagined …
As the Golden Reminder

Treat others as you'd wish to be treated.

In other words, Role Model what you'd like to experience.

No one ever explained Why we might honor this Desire, and why it had to become a "rule".

The purpose of this web site,
and how I've dedicated my entire Life,
has been in answering this WHY.

I dare to challenge everyone I directly share experiences with,
to re imagine the Golden Rule
as a loving reminder
instead of a "guilt-originating rule".

Realizing Love reminds us of our Connection, and we thrive through attempts to reunite.
Fear of the unknown leads to mindless following and acceptance of prejudiced Belief,
creating an artificial sense of Separation and Anxiety about our [physical] survival.

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My version of this well known expression,
serves as a loving reminder of something we've all forgotten
- because we HAD to in order to know we exist.

My Reminder encourages us to "check in [with each Other]" often
on how well we are engaging Life
and remembering the impact we project into Life.

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A person who most consistently demonstrates a Way of Being Together,
which we personally agree with, might be called a Leader?

 Is their role modeling of a reuniting way, or a diverging way?

Dr. Martin Luther King versus Adolph Hitler.
Which person inspired awareness and loving reunion?
Which manufactured fear, separation and resulting pain?

Which person had voluntary followers?   Who conformed others with Fear?

Do we see similar disparity in today's organizations?

Is Leadership even necessary?

What do you feel is the purpose for having and following a Leader?

Some people rarely if ever feel the need
to follow someone else, nor to lead anyone.
Often, these people who just Flow with Life, are labeled Leader as a result,
and despite no intentional desire or Action to lead, others follow them anyway.

Do we admire or envy their ability to Flow with Life,
unaffected by its hustle and anxiety,
which we are now questioning
as artificial and its extremes as unnecessary?

Do we admire or envy their Presence and availability to others?
They exude Love amidst complete chaos
... chaos expressed as frenzied competition, envy, guilt and shame.

We are attracted to Life that inspires us?
To inspire, be available and Present?
Those we admire, inspire because they seem to BE
'in the moment'
whenever and wherever Life needs them.

How can they be so self-less,
loving and affirming to others in need,
despite their own needs?

Perhaps they are truly "full [aware of] of" SELF?

I'd like to suggest a neutral definition of Leadership that ...

leading is the Act of offering compelling Vision for what Life could evolve towards, and the timely, meaningful, genuine Support of others inspired enough to follow, as they realize that vision into a shared, affirming and evolving Story.

Perhaps we admire those who Unify US
into a Shared, Evolving Story?

Perhaps we voluntarily follow those,
who only see ONE evolving Story ...
one SHARED reality?

We all eventually seek loving affirmation
of our existence beING "meaningful" in some way...
whether in childhood, or on our deathbed.

You know the ultimate question that's nagging you
underneath Life's bizarre Storyline(s)? ...

What IS the purpose/meaning of ALL of this [and That]?  ; )

Perhaps "Leaders" are inspiring,
because they help US
answer that question, Together?

Are You seeking a loving affirmation
of yOUR existence
beING "meaningful" in some way?

Seekers are often unknowingly Leaders.
Seeking results in Leading.

Seeking clarity through direct witnessing
of Life's intricate Connections
and ultimately the Reason for all Strife and Bliss,
brings a sense of Peace and Acceptance,
resulting in self-less SupportING
in the shaping and execution of Life's evolving Storyline.

In the so called "business world", the Storyline is referred to as
Strategic Vision and Tactical Plans of Execution (lol).

To offer genuine affirmations requires a Direct witnessing
of an other's own sincere exchanges within THE evolving Storyline?

Isn't life really the ultimate game of Marco-Polo,
calling out to see if IT responds back
in affirming [or denying] ways?

Isn't a Denial far better than NO reply at all?
How sad it must be to realize ONE is truly a-lone?
(if you find your Celf here, contact < A I V > ASAP. This is scary precipice to observe "a-lone".)

Ever catch your Self, talking to your self
and find that rather bizarre?

Suspecting all that is lovingly suggested so far...

Why then, is it so difficult to demonstrate
by "going first"
as an active, acknowledgeable Leader?

Perhaps we're unsure of the current Storyline?

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Have we, the minion majority, been blocked by fear-mongering dictators posing as Leaders,
from knowing, co influencing and co evolving the Storyline?
Are we essentially blocked from sharing in the origin of activity "above us"?
Are today's authority-driven managers "keeping us down",
out of Fear and false sense of power,
intentionally making us feel unworthy or unable to share in the genuine Act of Leading?

OR ...

 ... is it possible that we, the "supposedly disempowered majority",
are projecting our own Fear and selfishness upon "so-called management",
who would otherwise seek sincere connection with all employees,
if there was a clear and pragmatic way to do so?

Are the would-be leaders amongst the minions and management,
those appointed and those silently wishing to lead,
pointing fingers at one another, waiting for the other to "go first",
since neither is certain where to begin within the unshared Storyline?

It's hard to influence that which we can't SEE (sense)?

How to even characterize the in-progress evolving reality,
and a fair and relevant way to evaluate how
the prevailing Thought and Action is,
within that Storyline?

In other words, whether to intervene, in what direction, and how best to do so?
Is this where the concept of leading begins?

Can we clarify Leading as influencing through Initiation of new Thought about
a way of co existing, and Acting upon that desire through Integrating action?

Isn't Leading most simply conveyed as ...
Giving Loving Support to others, without concern for Receiving it your self?


Why is it so difficult to demonstrate Leadership by "going first" as an active, acknowledgeable Leader?

We do not see our Connection with 'other',
and are unable to feel and offer Compassion as a result.

Compassion is the unwavering Awareness of one's connection withIN all of Life,
reinforced by an continuous display of realizING peace (aka happiness) for our-self
BY living through 'others', supporting them in the realization of their own happiness.

... Realizing our personal happiness, by ensuring others are happy also.
Realizing our own peace by allowing others to 'live through us'.

Happiness is not to be pursued.
Happiness is Realized, through becoming and remaining Present and Accepting,
of Life as it is, right now, in each evolving moment.

Substitute the word Happy with "Present and Accepting" of each next moment's outcomes,
regardless of how we might "label them as good or bad".
Presence and Acceptance Yields a Peaceful co existing IN Life.



Sounds nice, right?   So why is this so hard to role model and realize together?


 Fearing for our own survival, placed into a seemingly uncaring and threatening World,
as reinforced through faulty Belief systems for thousands of years,
we compete with so-called 'others' to survive.

If "successFULL" enough, we next compete to dominate Life
for our disproportionate share of so-called "Happiness"
through material possessions, titles and status over 'others'.

What's an Alternative?

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SeeING through Direct Experiencing of Life,
and thus believing in your true self,
until you inherently Trust all of LIFE once again,
then and only then will you sincerely treat 'others'
the way They really wish to be treated.
You will have no remaining doubt about what others desire,
nor the blocks (hesitation) in your own mind
to offer them what you know they need from you.

 No one ever explained Why we might honor this Desire, and why it had to become a "rule".


What do you get when you squeeze an orange?
Only what's "in there".


How do you respond when Life squeezes you?



You must SEE, through direct experiencing,
why you should fully trust and love your self,
or you will Project unto the world,
only Fear and Suffering.




An enlightened Leader never utters "I'll believe it when I see it.".

Instead, they demonstrate by those who follow proclaiming
"I've seen it in action, and believe that WE can impact the change WE desire!"

A Leader proclaims that
"seeing OUR inspiration IN action, yields a chance to believe in something better [more balanced] for US."

Physical Sensing yields Knowing, replacing all reliance on others' handed out beliefs.

There is personal reality for one [a Personality],
and then Shared Reality, felt and affirmed with others.

Our ability to Perceive what is truly occurring Unites US.

Our intellect Separates us when it seeks only to Conceive and withhold info for a false sense of control and power over Life - an attempt to 'ensure' survival of this self, and 'insure' happiness for those which self has spawned.

Our Concepts "about Life" create the required sense of self as separate [the Actor],
to warrant and detect any attempts to reunite [to go beyond Personalities by acknowledging WHY they must exist].

Concepts diverge the non Dual into Duality, and Percepts reunite self back into THE SELF.

 Genuinely supporting other, 'Leading' to self-Awakening

So many TedTalks on replay. So many concepts in too many books, conveniently for sale.

So what IS the ACT of Leading, really?


Together, we become aware and awake to what truly is.

Presence reveals current reality, no matter how unpleasant or unshared.

Together, we realize Presence by affirming how well we are [not] Sharing reality.


Lovingly supporting 'others' is the first step in one's own awakening bliss.
Bliss, existing in total Peace, Knowing your Connection to all of Life,
is The path towards an inspired 'state of being', THE prerequisite to meaningfully supporting others.

Leading is simply a supportING of Life[others] in their own self discovering and re connecting with the aspects of Life they became unaware of, unknowingly hurting as a result.

Notice that i removed all Nouns and "Linguistic Ghosts" as a result, remaining in the Present moment through "Verbs without doERs and observERs".


So, how to begin my own attempts to re connect with others?

Question everything and seek a shared understanding of what really is happening, in each moment.

To begin to understand anything,
convert it from a Thing or so-called Worthy Outcome, represented as a Noun,
back to a HappenING verb - a living, live, shared activity,
that can be affirmed by 'so-called others'[Linguistic Ghosts],
through Felt Shared ExperiencING,
instead of Thoughts in Isolation, dividing us into to pointless debate in combative 'unshared' intellectualizING space.

Remaining in Shared Awareness with others, you reclaim your Presence,
and eventually, as your Attention of Life's Connections trumps your own self-protecting Intentions,
you witness something Awe Inspiring,
which yields total Acceptance with what Life is trying to Realize,
through you, others, every-Thing, in any given moment.



What will I witness?

While many enlightened have tried to convey concisely,
in the writing of Koans, Quotes, Fables, and Poems,
or uttered publicly in Mantras, Discussions and Speeches,
from the deepest heart-felt space ...
you must be ready [fed up with your current reality]
and willing [de conditioned not] to Sense ___ "it",
because you likely won't believe it.

Modern society has been intentionally educated to deny
and socially deprived
from Remembering our origin.

Treat lovingly all you witness as 'other' in Life, because That's You!
The Golden Rule, ReImagined

Bodymind Transformation


The Just Cause

Let's return our focus back to “taking care of our Village” – true faith in Flowing with the Life that shares our Physical space and genuinely caring for it, Knowing that in doing so, the entire Life equation is cared for and evolving best it can.

Remembering Our Connection - Seminar