Organizing to Remind Society of the Harmony that underlies ALL Conflict
Removing the Dis-Ease in Society, one Person and one Group at a time – David Harmony
I’m honored to assist you, your Team(s) and Organization to return to a state of Natural Flow and Adaptation, realizing a more Harmonious existence.
– David (Harmony Consulting)
Harmony Consulting is focused on helping courageous Change Agents through one of Life’s greatest challenges and honors – to Inspire large groups of people to expect more from their Life.
The Possibilities …
David reminds us that... [showmodule id="5821"]
David's solutions and unique approach to inspiring change within individuals and across entire organizations, helps US bring our best self to-Life each day. David's Zen-like approach to improving Team Dynamics begins with each individual, challenging and resetting their personal concerns for safety. Vulnerability-based trust for one another is the key to offering our best in our service of society. We must "go beyond the pay check".
You CAN remind others how to Empower their self and their Team of Teams - the modern organization - in the pursuit of their company's mission within society. Do you dare to be that bold?
Problem Indicators…
Too often, prevailing work culture has incentivized people to remain compliant and avoid risk. Society's feel-of-separation has heightened the artificial Fear we have for each other. Financial implications of wrong-doing have compounded the effect on collective psyche. The modern Service economy is ridiculously hyper competitive. This is accelerating our individual sense of Separation, sparking us into an artificial mode of fight-or-flight for personal survival, putting us into individual competition with one another.
David's ultimate goal…
... is to challenge the Beliefs that perpetuate this artificial Fear, replacing them instead with Direct Shared Experiences between Team members who engage in meaningful Shared Reflection. Perception is reality for the individual.
- Isn't it important that we Share reality to become an effective Team?
- Can we be effective with our Customers, if we are completely ineffective as a Team?
- Imagine a scenario where Customer is literally ON the Team with us?
The next generation organization must Inspire and Leverage ALL of the Talent they hire to co serve the org’s mission. Many organization’s are now awakening to the essence of the problem. The brave minority of corporations as 'organized causes' are now scrambling to adapt their prevailing collective mindset about how best to create REAL value for the part of society that their Mission is meant to serve. How do we ensure ongoing Alignment to deliver the intended purpose of our Organization organizing.
Harmony Consulting has DEEP experience enabling this type of inspirational Leadership, across all layers and functions of the modern organization.
Science is now affirming what ancient societies have always Known.
EVERY aspect of physical Life, begins with Thought and Intention. Is the basis of intention for sake of one's self, or for all of Life, what David refers to as the Ultimate SELF? When we fail to see our connection to ALL of Life, we make irrational choices that manifest into Life altering action. Science "quietly" supports the long-time claims of metaphysics, that the source of Disease is approximately 70% of How we perceive 'our reality' [issues of the Mind], and the balance originates from our Shared Environment - the chemical interactions upon this slice of Life known as ME. This begs the question ... if Nature naturally supports Life, but mankind are distorting and contorting Nature's composition, then isn't the origin of ALL Disease, truly born from Dis-Ease ... the unshared disconnected mental state of Life that operates ON and too often AGAINST what is natural? David is not a conservationist of Nature. He is a conservationist of Shared Reality.
As long as we maintain reasonable reference to our shared Physical Connection to each other - Man and all that "seems to not be" Man ... Nature (animals and plant life), then whatever is meant to occur, will be the most Natural Outcome LIFE could 'enjoy'.
So then, how to find and maintain that reasonable reference? Where we place our Attention, reinforces awareness of the Connections within and across the layers of Life. With a true sense of one's Connection to all of Life, that slice of Life cannot help but feel Compassion and awe for everything residing in Shared Reality.
David's Core Mission ...
David's core mission and service offering helps individuals reclaim their total Presence in every next moment.
Living life in a state of continuous Presence, yields Acceptance for how "life IS". What seems unfortunate or unfair from one's own perspective, is totally necessary and supportive of Life from other vantage points. What seems like total chaos at the level we live at, is total Harmony when looking down from a layer above - label it Humanity until you are able to see ALL Aspects of Life - and within one's self.
The core issue [mental hangup] - opportunity really - is to rebalance what percentage of our own Lifetime we are [not] Present - meaning fully Connected, Engaged and Compassionate [empathetic, fully inclusive shared action] with 'others' - and able to witness Life's inherent, intricate Connections. To observe and Accept the necessity of some aspect of Life thriving, often at the expense of some other aspect of Life. Substitute the word Person with Aspect. Our natural bias is to focus from the 'human vantage point' - the only view of Life we [might] Know - often puts us into a state of defensive morality. "It's not fair or spiritually correct" that any Person should suffer. Humanity is just one Aspect of the Environment (reality), whether your view of reality is the entire Cosmos, just planet Earth, or [too] myopically just what occurs TO you and affects you or your [most / truly] loved ones physically.
Please contact David to discuss how easy it is to live Life in a state of total Bliss.
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A Happy Life is surprisingly easy and should be incredibly Contagious! Help US launch the ultimate and long-overdue Pay It Forward initiative?
Treat lovingly all you witness as 'other' in Life, because That's You!
The GoldenRule, ReImagined
Wish to Donate to David’s Life Coaching services? He continues to offer these for cheap or FREE to wonderful people in need. David’s assist is in relieving Pain AND freeing Leadership potential to benefit Society. David and the people he’s honored to assist, are most grateful to you.
David suggests a 3 Step approach to living a simple, blissful existence. Lets acknowledge Life's inherent Harmony by Reconnecting with 'others' in a dynamic, Shared Reality.
1) Let's encourage sharing so-called unique Individual Thoughts. Break out of beliefs and ConCepts. Ask and seek to understand the PerCeptions of 'other'. You'll begin to directly witness how similar and Connected they are, to your own Storyline.
2) Let's decide together what is now best for US, and set a plan of Shared Action.
3) Reflect upon outcomes Together. How well are those shared Actions Playing out?
# Let's then share our new individual perspectives based on Direct, Shared, Physical Experiences (instead of speculation) and Adapt (repeat 1 - 3, throughout our entire Life).
Inspiration is the spark. We are all seeking to be Inspired and to pass it on. David's role in Life is to help others spread inspiration like wildfire.
Remembering Our Connection - Seminar

Please revisit ThatsYou.org often. David is building out a Service offering to help Leaders in every context of Life, strive for ever broadening Awareness of Life’s Connection towards realizing Life’s design and the resulting spread of Compassion across all aspects of Life.
To maximize the benefit and expand the impact of this Societal offering, please seriously consider spending time with David One on One. Review his Personal Offerings please?