Please allow your self to Imagine …

yOUR Call to Action

Are you already supporting variations of this Vision and Mission statement, no matter how formal or large your effort? Are you using somewhat similar Methods towards the proposed Hypothesis of Reuniting People to express Compassion and genuine support for each other once again?

We use to lovingly CARE for our Village – those families that shared nearby physical space. We ensured that everyone ate and that the ill were cared for.  We Felt and cherished our Connection.  We had little to fear, and protected those Hearts in the village with a relaxed Mind of no hesitation.

This loving flow-state existed freely, only 3 to 5 generations ago in our Western Hemisphere 💫riginal Peoples’ cultures.  It still exists in yet-unseen and mostly undisturbed remote regions of Asia, Africa and South America.  Unfortunately for our Europe relatives, we must Feel (not Think) back 80+ generations (2,000 yrs ago) to reMember and reclaim what was lost under KingDumb domination and baseless conformance to the Monarchies, which became the Patriarchy basis of rules-for-living today.

We had very little anxiety about ‘the future’, until some confused People decided to Rule Over the Village and “chart the course” for how every Thing and Event should play out. That wasn’t enough though and the self-proclaimed Village Leader decided to Dominate beyond the formerly invisible Village border.

They took [stole] the Heart of the Village with them, and brought back an artificial sense of us vs them, and anxiety about the Future and what threats lay beyond the Village border.

Today, very few of us genuinely and meaningfully care for the Village that surrounds us [many of us no longer even SEE it!] in our current state of Anxiety, where our collective mindset is obsessed with the Future or Past.

The commentary above was typed in 2016.   In October of 2020, David stumbled upon the most wonderful affirmation of his Knowing of a historical time of Natural living where feminine and masculine energies were Balanced, prior to the 3000+ year “reign of the Patriarchal ‘civilized’ societies”.


Losing one’s Presence, the awareness of Connection AS ONE was lost … kNow through Presence and honor yOUR Attention Modes.

Can you Feel your Village hurting, wishing that its people would return their focus to caring for the Village?

Do you Believe that we are out of balance as a Humanity?

Would you like to see a natural return in that balance, founded on Remembering our Relationship with all of Life?

Would you like to see a [temporary diminishing] removal of that artificial sense of Separation from one andother, which is the origin of ALL Fear and Anxiety we now feel for each other?

Does your Heart scream YES!?

Please contact David ASAP.  Together we will spark and nurture large scale Awakening to return us to a natural state of “Flowing with Life”.

Our children are counting on US.

The Earth which births US is counting on it.

Together, let’s launch and nurture the largest Pay it Forward endeavor by embedding the Cause into our Collective DNA through the Compassionate Impressions we make on each ‘others’ Hearts.

While individuals can fully awaken [reconnect] in the very next Moment, society as a reuniting whole will require far more than one individual’s lifetime to awaken (several generations most likely). We must EMBED this Remembering deep into our DNA, to avoid further regression.

If you Believe that we have regressed too far over the last 300 years, join the cause? (read more about the Just Cause)

Meet the Founder

Meet the Founder

The Just Cause

Let's return our focus back to “taking care of our Village” – true faith in Flowing with the Life that shares our Physical space and genuinely caring for it, Knowing that in doing so, the entire Life equation is cared for and evolving best it can.

The most sacred knowing is a hidden recess in humanity. Sanity of mankind will be restored, in ONE moment of total presence and acceptance, walking The Path of Duyugtvi – David Harmony

To decipher the essence of this crucial Reminder, please turn Captions ON.

The Vision

Humans, animals and all of the natural environment that contains them, co existing in a manner that lovingly acknowledges their symbiotic relationship with one andother, requiring far less time in mental separation and the degree of painful physical impact, while ‘we’ necessarily forget our inherent Connection.

The Mission

To remind ‘us’ how Life naturally supports US, by removing the mental hangups of individuals, thereby reducing the collective anxiety that blocks  your natural ability to Flow effortlessly in Life.

The Hypothesis

Refocusing our Attention away from seeing Reality as “out there” and unsupportive, instead towards realizing Shared and Affirmed Physical experiences, will suppress the inherent appetite for constant intellectual stimulation and self protection as individuals living in presumed Separation.

Since 1987, Humanity has been sparked to Remember, and reMember

–> Ready or not, a Global Return to the Village
is in progress as of 2020.
–> Act Local to kNow the Global Mystery again.
–> Presumed knowing through
Global Conceptual Domination,
has hidden, but thankfully not yet destroyed,
the Local Village (where the ❤️ is).

AyV DoHiYi … Nindaya Oma, Bizaan-ayaa

Chief Dan George's talk transcribed

How long have I known you, Oh Canada AND these Un-United States? A hundred years? Yes, a hundred years. And many, many ‘seelanum’ more. And today, when you celebrate your hundred years, Oh Canada, OH USA, I am sad for all the Indian people throughout the land.

I have known you when your forests were mine; when you gave me my meat and my clothing. I have known you in your streams and rivers where your fish flashed and danced in the sun, and those water said come, come and eat of my abundance.’ I have known you in the freedom of the winds. And my spirit, like the winds, once roamed this good land.

Oh Great Spirit! Give me back the courage of the olden chiefs. Let me wrestle with my surroundings. Let me once again live in harmony with my environment. Let me humbly accept this new culture and through it rise up and go on.

I shall grab the instruments of the white man’s success-his education, his skills – and with these new tools — I shall build [restore, honor, see] my PEOPLE into the proudest segment of your society.

I shall see our young braves and our chiefs sitting in the house of OUR INDEPENDENT law and government, as BALANCED Energy [men and women, equal, together] SUPPORTING [not ruling, dividing, conquering, as you’ve taught us] and RETURNING TO the ORIGINAL UNDERSTANDING, restoring knowledge, SINCERE SELF-RESPONSIBILITY, and freedoms of THE great land [not ownable by any human-being].

Re Introducing hEaven, Realized by Presence in Shared Reality as Haven nowHere 🌎, to the King-Dumb 🌀💤 society on Mother 🌎

Buying (incurring debt really) into beLIEfS, we became "so HEavenly good, that we're no damn good for 🌎 which is the literal foundation of our existing and knowing, that we ever did!".

Our Heroes - whether a Friend, Parent, Teacher, Quarter Back, Coach, CEO, Nation's President - spark a sense of "them apart from me", crucial to Life's desire to Exist and Know it.

However, obsession with 'other' becomes worship, and self forgets it'S ⭕️rigin (aka SELF).   How much contrast, in the form of Forgetting and then Remembering, Hurting and then Healing, Separation and then Reunion, is necessary for Life to Realize its Goal?

Let US Remind us, who WE really are, once again?   Bliss was clearly shown by those most Awake, as "the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth" - a removal of the inherent Blocking and Remembering of who you really are.

Are you in your role King-Dumb in your worship and perpetuation of Fear and baseless, meaningless Conformity?

How do you Feel about That?

David Harmony

SELF-doubt Recovery Artist, Harmony Consulting