Site Legend - SELF Logos Explained, Fonts and Effects Meanings
Throughout this site, the following SELF-oriented "branding" Logos, fonts and effects, are used to shake the reader from their wake-sleep state of inattentive text-scanning or excessive "intellectual exercise", along with corresponding inAction, thus the visitor isn't really considering nor attempting the try-and-see experiments offered by this site.
Any lower case "i" is referring to an individual part of Life. Upper Case I represents all of Life, whether it is awakened to and fully embracing the design yet or not. The meaning of the color of an i / I reference is explained below.
Any reference to I AM in all caps, is a reference to ALL of Life. Whether you like the premise or not, of Convergent (highlighted in Orange text) or Divergent (highlighted in Blue text) patterns driving contrast in all Life exchanges ... those Experiences are meant to realize contrast so that WE even know that we exist[ed].
Any references highlighted in purple reference Life's ultimate Design and Goal. I'll also often use the present[past] tense notation, to remind the reader that Time is a philosophical marker that Human's created artificially in an attempt to better understand many phenomena, but which has led to much confusion and intellectual distraction. However, this too, is part of Life's Divergent pattern set.
Underlying and Preceding any perception of Conflict or Suffering is the eventual realization of Harmony ... that Life is inherently balanced to continuously explore new ways to surprise its SELF #, while ensuring IT never gets bored with the storylines it has queued up and decides to "call the entire Show off". And no, this is not some display of incredible arrogance by David Harmony ... his name is just wonderfully aligned with the topics covered throughout this site, as referenced by enlightened Scientists, Philosophers, Yogis, Shamans, Buddhas, Sufis, __insert Religion here__, and because this article originates from the West ... those who've been blessed with the Christ impulse. [The "chosen and their supposed protectors" have been severely misled, by design]
Throughout this site, i denote lots of real life examples or abstractions of ...
Yin based living, in isolated Thought at level within the Mind-biased orientation of one entity (i.e. one Person). eXtreme examples here
Yang based living, in isolated Action at level within the Body-biased orientation of one entity (i.e. one Person) eXtreme examples here
Fear and Separation (Life's built-in design, to intentionally forget SELF # ... "to get things moving")
Fear Plays out a role as EITHER self-preservation of some-one's...
Intellectual protection or growth
Physical protection or growth
Next level attempts of Initiation (broad scale unifying Thought)
Multi level attempts of Shared Reflection between 2 or more entities, sparking Realization (between next level Initiation and current level Integration) of Life's ultimate design and goal
Current level attempts of Integration (broad scale unifying Action)
Love and Reunion (realizing and remembering Life's design)
yOUR ultimate realization and remembering of ... That's You #
There is indeed a way out of Duality. You Knew it, but you're playing the game YOU created, and you're enjoying "living in your current definition of Reality". If that offends you, please return often for an additional review of Life's examples on this site. If you sense this to be true already, and wish to explore this further, don't hesitate to contact DA\VD
Presuming you kNow ... what will you do with Pathway to access all levels of Existence?
Blue Font - Diverging Activity
Orange Font - Converging Activity
White Font with Black Highlight - Yin (Mind/Intellect) dominant Activity
Black Font with White Highlight - Yang (Body/Moving) dominant Activity
Bold Large Font - You as a self-aware slice of Life
Yellow Font - Initiating Activity
Red Font - Integrating Activity
Purple Font - Ultimate SELF (creator) Awareness and BEing
# It's all you, SELF, getting lost intentionally, in the Play of Life, so as to know 'you' even exist. 'you' are IT. 'you' are the Creator and THAT which is BEing Created. Far easier to ponder "THAT's you" out loud, as you analyze and synthesize what you Feel with and Affirm of 'others', instead of "I AM THAT", as others have in the past and have been persecuted for. Instead, vocalizing to an-other, "THAT's US!" in 3rd person, is THE pathway out of self-righteousness ... as a way of challenging yOUR installed Beliefs in a vulnerable dialogue with 'others', while avoiding the loving built-in design residing in others, their to resist 'you' awakening. ; )