What's the Difference between Anxiety and Depression? (click for answer)
Counseling versus Consulting ... What's the Difference? (click for answer)
All of our Well-Being Services are offered under a Consulting / Coaching model, which does not have to conform to legal limitations imposed on Counselors and Doctors.
Here's our disclaimer on the differences and when to seek Counseling first, before engaging in our Services.
What's Legal is often of lower standard and mutual outcomes, then what is considered Ethical. Ethical standards entrust in an-other to cooperate voluntarily with oneself in virtuous offerings of mutual Reciprocity. Legal standards insist on and enforce a minimum standard, whether or not that matches the ethical standards and wishes of affected parties.
All of our services are an offering to assist you in exploring your Feelings, on your Terms and Timeline, as YOU see best for your self. Our intention is that you benefit from our time together, ultimately, by dis-covering simple, effective ways to Flow with Life in more Present and Accepting ways, which in turn, through Life's inherent Connection and offering of Reciprocity, offers you opportunities to witness and adapt to Life's evolving Storyline.
Ok, I Understand ... Collapse the Disclaimer
Our Services and Programs
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David has delivered successfully to corporate clients for almost 30 years.
He’s now bringing a more personal “assist” to his online Programs.
Am I doing the wrong things to ease my pain?
Am I doing some of the right things, but at the wrong times?
Am I to blame? Am I fair in my blame of Others?
The key is to slow the mind by blocking Society's dysfunctional messages and judgements (of you and every aspect of Life), allowing your self to realize a quiet state of Observation of your self and ALL Life's "activity" (without judgement).
Why should i even try? Because Life is NOT complete without YOU.
Consider the BIG Picture of Life's design.
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My Thought Is distinct and separate only because I Wish it true
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