Just 3 Steps to Dis-cover and Accept [shared] Reality

David suggests a 3 Step approach to living a simple, blissful existence.   Lets acknowledge Life's inherent Harmony by Reconnecting with 'others' in a dynamic, Shared Reality.

1) Let's encourage sharing so-called unique Individual Thoughts.  Break out of beliefs and ConCepts.  Ask and seek to understand the PerCeptions of 'other'.   You'll begin to directly witness how similar and Connected they are, to your own Storyline.

2) Let's decide together what is now best for US, and set a plan of Shared Action.

3)  Reflect upon outcomes Together.  How well are those shared Actions Playing out?

# Let's then share our new individual perspectives based on Direct, Shared, Physical Experiences (instead of speculation) and Adapt (repeat 1 - 3, throughout our entire Life).

Inspiration is the spark.   We are all seeking to be Inspired and to pass it on.  David's role in Life is to help others spread inspiration like wildfire.